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Roof, ceiling & wall made of wood

From the wall to the ceiling

Our elements have made a name for themselves in the timber construction industry.

WIEHAG offers you a range of options: solutions with
various fittings and different advantages. Our Profidec product – the ready-to-assemble
glued laminated timber system for roof, ceiling and wall – is particularly worthy of mention..

Our roof panels in wood are multifaceted

Quality control, process optimization and use of high-grade EPDM roofing sheets have made WIEHAG roof panels the highest quality panels on the market. They feature superior protection against heat, fire, sound, moisture and humidity, and they help to improve air tightness to above-average levels with certified solutions for impact and penetration.

Our timber roof panels consist of timber supporting ribs made of glued laminated timber/structural timber with interior and exterior OSB planking. Various materials and surfaces are available for the internal planking as a soffit. A moisture-variable vapour barrier is arranged directly above the interior planking to regulate the moisture balance within the roof panel. The cavities between the supporting ribs are filled with different insulating materials, depending on requirements. An EPDM roof membrane is used as the roof cladding and thus the top layer of our roof panels.

WIEHAG Roof Element

Your benefits with WIEHAG roof panels

Shorter assembly times

Thanks to their low dead weight, most WIEHAG roof panels can be prefabricated (up to 97 percent).

Moisture protection

The finished roof membrane already starts to protect against rain during installation.

Assembly rate

The assembly rate is roughly the area of one football pitch per week.

Possible materials for the soffit

OSB, OSB slotted, gypsum fibreboard, sheet with trapezoidal corrugations, Living Board, smooth-edged boarding and
perforated materials for increased acoustic requirements. Coloured coatings are also possible.
For a particularly sophisticated look, we recommend 3-layer natural wood boards.

WIEHAG Roof Element Soffit

Wall panels made of wood

Our wall system consists of freely selectable wall panels and façades. The wall panels for load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior and exterior elements can be offered in the required construction variants. The wall panels have the same properties and advantages as the roof panels and comply with the building physics standards. The façade allows full design freedom, depending on the customer's wishes or building requirements.

Your benefits with the WIEHAG wall system:

  • Prefabrication of the panels/short construction time
  • High air tightness thanks to standardised connections
  • Individually designed exterior façade and interior view

Your choice of façade design

  • Aesthetic yet sustainable timber façade possible
  • All common systems and materials can be used
  • Façade can be prefabricated at the factory
[Translate to Englisch:] WIEHAG Wandelement mit Holzfassade
Are you interested in the details of our roof and wall panels?
For roof and ceiling

WIEHAG Profidec – the ready-to-assemble ceiling system

A high degree of prefabrication and short assembly times characterise our Profidec solid wood solution. As a laminated timber ceiling it is equally suitable for use in residential, commercial and industrial construction. In addition to our consulting service, we also offer you support in structural analysis, with our individual CNC joinery options and our pre-assembled installation aids.

Your benefits with WIEHAG Profidec:

  • High degree of prefabrication
  • Short assembly time
  • No building moisture
  • Immediate accessibility and load-bearing capacity
  • Controlled and certified fire resistance up to R90
  • Installation of building services/insulation possible at any time
  • Statically effective plate design

Please refer to our Profidec product info sheet for further information.

Ceilings as wood-concrete composite (HBV) – a hybrid system

Wood-concrete composite systems combine the advantages of wood and concrete. Based on our structural analysis calculations, we can use all common and approved HBV systems. Through to the laid precast concrete ceiling. The GLT components are machined accordingly in our production facilities.

Please refer to our wood-concrete composite product info sheet for further information.

[Translate to Englisch:] WIEHAG Holzbetonverbund

Cross laminated timber (CLT)

Cross laminated timber – also known as CLT – is made of several cross-laminated wooden lamellae glued together. As a flat product, CLT is the ideal complementary building material to glued laminated timber (GLT) beams. The combination of CLT and GLT opens up numerous new possibilities for modern timber construction, especially in multi-storey buildings and high-rise construction. WIEHAG utilises of the diversity of timber construction materials and employs them in an optimised way during implementation.

All inclusive with your WIEHAG partner.

Are you interested in a roof, ceiling or wall system from WIEHAG? We look forward to your enquiry.

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